Surprises are a wonderful way to express this sentiment. Celebrating each other’s birthday is the best way in the world to get the message out:

The economy is bad. Everyone knows this. But I didn’t realize how bad until the memo came out about Birthannukah. Birthannukah, the festival of birthday candle lights, is being cut from a seven day holiday with seven nights of surprises and mystery to three and half nights of economically feasible magic that will fit into our house-murdered budget. Not my Birthannukah! Nooooooo! Killed by the economy. Not killed, but maimed. Seriously harmed.
Mr. Husband will work hard to see that Birthannukah still has a pop!
This morning, his bounding down the stairs was the opening ceremony. He handed me my iPhone and wanted me to see an email. Sweet, loving, wonderful man: he renamed my blog. What? What the blog!? Renamed my blog?! Sweet, loving, wonderful man—do not rename my blog! That is mine. But it was such a kind gesture.

Good, but the Werewolf Lane joke is old (from last year when we were building the house). It’s not a constant that I carry throughout the writing. But—even better—he bought the domain for me. Amazing. Now that’s hot. He set up to direct to the blog. Sweet. But I am immediately concerned about all those werewolf freaks and Twilight kids who are looking for news about werewolves and annoyingly directed to my blog when searching for interesting facts about werewolves on I am a disappointment. These kids are finding themselves staring at an increasingly annoying blog about our stupid marriage and how incredibly, sickeningly, make-you-vomit-in-your-mouth happy we are.

The domain remains, but the blog is clearly marked with its potentially annoying content being not for the werewolf at heart. Zombies will eat it up, but werewolves may find the taste of bile in their mouths.
Mr. Husband also announced “Happy Birthannukah” to me in the description of the blog. Sweet, loving, wonderful man! I love him! I laughed. Of course, I renamed the blog when finally getting upstairs to the library today. The blog is now called “Things I’m Learning From My Husband While Living on Werewolf Lane.” He was right to force me to rename the blog. It has a new face and a new domain! Score! Good start to Birthannukah.
He also bought the domain Sweet, loving, wonderful man! He said, “I know how much your name means to you.” See, I’ve never been able to make the full transition to “Stewart,” my married name. I am definitely Mrs. Stewart, I have a bag to prove it, but for writing and work—I retained my maiden name. I was 35 when I got married—I had established myself as “Klusendorf” in published articles and within the electronic publishing world. This gift from Mr. Husband—the gift of my name as a

I love this man.
No wonder he was so excited. He cornered the economic setbacks and did for me for under $10. The most romantic gesture ever. He did for me. And he did good.
1 comment:
That is seriously sweet. You are the master of your domain!
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