It is late at night when the big Mr. Husband brain and the slightly smaller but still equal in every way Mrs. Wife brain meet to brainstorm and come up with ideas. Mr. Husband is building a video game. Besides his strong desire to date the girl at work who would not date, this was one of the first things I knew about Mr. Husband. He is building Vyde, which I have pronounced “Veed”

I perused the site, keen with interest and looking for his history so my greedy eyes could snatch it up and store it in my smaller brain that did not yet know his larger brain. I did not yet have confirmation that his brain was anything more than a veiny capsule. I did not know yet that his brain was a thinking man’s brain. I was on the hunt for evidence of brain magic. What I found perplexed me. My girl brain did not understand what his

I went to my sources. I asked Dowling. I asked Moser. I asked Baugher. All seemed to say the same thing. This big man brain is working on something overwhelming and nearly impossible (the “impossible” sentiment can be accredited alone to Baugher, who makes Hardy and his “Hap” look like a carnival ride with cotton candy and no cares in the world). My sources all scratched their heads. My main concern, though, was, “can it be done?” Nearly impossible is not impossible necessarily.
Last night, the two of us put our big brains together and I helped Mr. Husband with his story. Vyde must have myth. Vyde must have story. This is where my
smaller brain swings into big brain action and concocts story after story, stringing them together as we talk and laugh about the details. Some of the funniest discussion in the world. Some of the best times in our shared life are when his brain comes and asks my brain to help him out, challenging my sleeping brain to wake and grow into spaces girl-brain never imagined before man-brain knocked. I’m happy to oblige Mr. Husband, for his big-giant-enourmous-man-thinking-at-all-times-always-logical brain is reason #46 for why I married him. And it is so very important to be inside his brain for some part of the day—to take part of my day and set it aside to learn about what’s making Mr. Husband tick. He makes my brain a little bit bigger and cozier indeed.

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